permissible dose การใช้
- In 1960 the maximum permissible dose for radiation workers was set at 12 rads per year.
- After trials on animals, this maximum permissible dose was reduced to 0.65 礸 or 0.04 礐i.
- Some areas have radiation levels high enough to provide the yearly permissible dose in a very short period of time.
- The eye lens seems to be the most sensitive organ to beta radiation, even in doses far below maximum permissible dose.
- He added that he " would very happily take up to one hundred times the maximum permissible dose " and referred to the maximum permissible dose at the time as " ridiculous ".
- He added that he " would very happily take up to one hundred times the maximum permissible dose " and referred to the maximum permissible dose at the time as " ridiculous ".
- The maps revealed radiation levels of more than 125 microsieverts per hour at 25 kilometers northwest of the plant, which means that people in these areas were exposed to the annual permissible dose within eight hours.
- Prior to the accident, the maximum permissible dose for Japanese nuclear workers was 100 mSv in any one year, but on 15 March 2011, the Japanese Health and Labor Ministry enforced the permitted 250 mSv limit, in light of the situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.
- In the " 1951 Recommendations " the commission recommended a maximum permissible dose of 0.5 rontgen in any 1 week in the case of whole-body exposure to X and gamma radiation at the surface, and 1.5 rontgen in any 1 week in the case of exposure of hands and forearms.
- As to the design dose rate per person of the greater population due to radioactive releases by the NPP : this value for the AES 92 variant is lower than 0.05 mSv / a, which represents less than 1 / 3 of the permissible dose rate as per article 10 of NRA s regulations ensuring the safety of NPPs.